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Natural health
and well-being

Chiropractic for all ages

What is Chiropractic?

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Symptoms vs. Cause

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F. A. Q.

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Symptom Care or Health Care?

The pharmaceutical companies make a living off of crisis care. Preventive natural health care is always much better than crisis based symptom care.

  • A minimum of 350,000 people each year in the USA alone die as a result of symptom based health care.
  • Symptoms are the body’s way of telling us we have a problem. Most of the time the symptom is merely the by-product of the underlying problem and not the problem itself.
  • Treating the symptom/s merely promotes future health issues thus guaranteeing perpetual revenue for the pharmaceutical industry and those health care providers who administer symptom based care, while the underlying health problem goes untreated.
  • Preventative natural health care is always much better than crisis based symptom health care.

The Neurological System at a Glance

Remember that various physical, emotional and chemical stresses over a short or long period of time can cause an imbalance in the musculature of the body, which in turn creates spinal joint misalignments called subluxations. Subluxations result in loss of mobility, spinal degeneration (arthritis), and interference to the 31 pairs of branching spinal nerves. The potential effects of the vertebral subluxation are listed below. Nerve interference compromises the body’s innate self-healing and self-regulating abilities.

Joint Regions Effects
C1 (Atlas)
Blood supply to the occiput (base of skull), brain, face, eyes, and ears Headaches, migraine, blood circulation to the brain, nervousness, insomnia, nervous breakdown, chronic fatigue, dizziness, high blood pressure
Eyes, Visual acuity, auditory nerve, sinuses, tong, forehead, heart Vision and hearing disorders, eye discomfort or complaints, heart palpitations, sinusitis, allergies, earache, fainting
C3 Breathing diaphragm, face, teeth, lungs Chronic fatigue, anxiety, acne, eczema, shortness of breath
C4 Nose, lips, mouth, mucous membranes, lung Hay fever, persistent cold, hearing loss, polyps
C5 Neck, vocal cords, throat Exhaustion, hoarseness, sore throat
C6 Neck muscles, and shoulders Abdominal pain after eating, tonsillitis, upper arm pain, croup
C7 Thyroid, shoulder, elbow Nightmares, bursitis, colds, thyroid problems, anxiety
T1 Forearms, hands, fingers Sensations in the hands, caughing, breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, pain in the forearms and hands, tennis elbow
T2 Heart, lungs, bronchi Functional heart complaints, anxiety
T3 Trachea, bronchi, lungs, thorax, chest, pleura Asthma, shorness of breath, chronic cough, pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia
T4 Gallbladder, heart, lungs, bronchia Indigestion of fatty foods, gall disease, jaundice
T5 Circulation, heart, lungs, bronchi Circulation insufficientcy, low blood pressure, intestinal problems, hyperactivity, liver disease, fever, anemia, arthritis
T6 Stomach, intestine Gastric ulcer, upset stomach (also nervous type) indigestion, heartburn
T7 Spleen, pancreas, stomach, intestine, liver, gallbladder Immunodeficiency, immune deficiency, intestinal ulcers, gastritis
T8 Stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas Immune deficiency, stomach upset, spleen problems, pancreas complaints
T9 Stomach, intestine, liver, ovaries, uterus Burnout, allergies, hives
T10 Intestine, pancreas, testicles, ovaries, uterus, kidneys Indigestion (1-2 hours after eating), kidney problems, chronic fatigue
T11 Kidneys, bladder, uterer, adrenal glands, ovaries, uterus Urinary function, skin disease such as acne, pimples, eczema
T12 Intestine, lymph circulation, bladder, uterus, kidneys Swollen ankles, lymh congestion, rheumatism, infertility, flatulence (excess gas)
L1 Intestine, uterus, Flatulence, bloating, constipation, diarrhea
L2 Abdomen, cecum, thigh, bladder Appendicitis, leg pain, abdomin cramps, veins
L3 Uterus, prostate, sexual organs, bladder,kness Impotence, frigility, menstrual cramps (e.g. painful and irregular periods), bladder disorders, bedwetting, many knee problems
L4 Prostate, lower back, sciatic nerve Lower back pain or acute severe pain , flexor muscle pain, sciatica, painful or too frequent urination
L5 HTesticles, uterus, lower legs, ankles, feet Prostate fibroids, leg pain, poor circulation lower legs & feet, calf cramps
Bladder, uterer, genitals, prostate, hip, buttocks Abdominal problems, hip and leg pain
Coccyx Bladder, ureter, genitals, prostate, hip, buttocks Hemorrhoids, itching, pain while sitting

Note that the above chart and the associated potential health problems listed does not address the possibility of such problems being associated with:

  • A genetic problem
  • A poor diet (lifestyle)
  • Exposure to man made toxins

Health and Chiropractic

Chiropractic is one aspect of the health equation. Chiropractic works in harmony with the master control system of the body, “the neurological system”. All organs and or tissues of the body must receive nerve impulses from the brain to function correctly. The 31 pair of branching spinal nerves provides the “ENTIRE” body with vital information from the brain. Although a variety of health problems can be related to genetic problems, poor diet and or other life style issues; vertebral subluxations (spinal joint misalignments) can and do cause a multitude of health problems; and yes, back pain is just one of them.
For more information see FAQ section (12).

Spinal Joints and Inflammation

The inflammatory response within and around the spinal joint articulations “typically” is the by-product of a subluxation (joint misalignment). The same is true concerning the other joints of the body, (elbow, knee, hip, foot, hand and shoulder). The only difference is the inflammation in and around the spinal joints affects the most important system in the body; the “neurological system” represented by the 31 pairs of spinal nerves coming from the spinal cord, which comes from the master control center for the entire body, the “BRAIN”. Since the 31 pairs of branching spinal nerves along with the autonomic nerves are located very close to the spinal joints many health problems can arise. The inflammatory response in and around spinal joints typically creates the following negative side affects or symptoms.

  • Exaggerated muscle tightness near and around the affected joint misalignment (subluxation).
  • Spinal branching nerves are typically compromised by the inflammation resulting in some type of symptom.
  • Typical symptoms of the lumbar spinal vertebrae affect the “sciatic nerve” causing but not limited to the following symptoms; pain in the buttocks, legs and feet regions, tingling and or numbness.
  • Cervical branching nerves (brachial plexus) typically result in shoulder, arm and hand pain, and or tingling and or numbness in the arms and hands
  • The autonomic nerves branch from the 31 pairs of spinal nerves and are responsible for “automatically regulating” many parts of the body. Glands such as the thyroid and adrenals can be affected; digestion, the reproduction system, cardiovascular system and respiratory system are just a few examples of what these nerves regulate and or control.

Importance of Occiput and the Upper cervical region

Chiropractic has long recognized the benefits of maintaining proper joint alignment of the upper neck and cranial region. Many patients have experienced improvement and or total recovery from various organ disturbances when this region is free of vertebral joint misalignments (subluxations). It has been determined through cause and effect that the 10th cranial nerve (also called the wonderer) is typically the affected nerve that is involved because of the various changes in the patient’s symptoms after restoring the joint articulations in this region to their normal anatomical position (subluxation free). The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body going to almost every major organ in the body. The vagus nerve along with the lower neck and upper dorsal spine have as well a profound effect on blood flow to the brain and facial area, which can affect vision, hearing and create various types of headaches. The Elkins Occipital Procedure works in conjunction with the body to restore anatomical balance between the Occiput, Atlas and Axis. All “THREE” osseous structures play a major role in protecting the neurological integrity of the upper cervical region. Since 1989 Dr. Richard Elkins has been working diligently developing this method of care for the Upper cervical region. For more information see FAQ section (5c), (24).

Carpal Tunnel - What is the Cause of my Pain?

When someone tells you, you have carpal tunnel syndrome in most cases you probably do, it’s just a matter of how you want to address the problem; naturally and or with surgery? There are 8 bones located in the wrist of the hand and when they become misaligned (subluxated) it is very normal to have inflammation. You can opt for injections and or surgery to address the symptom in this case inflammation, which causes numbness and pain as a result of nerve irritation or you can try and eliminate the cause of the problem. Restricted Blood and or nerve flow is typically the by-product when one or more of these 8-carpal bones and or cervical vertebrae are subluxated (misaligned). In some cases the carpal bones are properly aligned, which means the problem is stemming from subluxations in the cervical spine region.

Carpal Tunnel - How does it develop?

Carpal tunnel can be the result of an accident; however in most cases it develops slowly over time just like many other joint subluxations when the muscles become imbalanced, which in turn causes the joints to become misaligned resulting in inflammation and restricted blood flow and or nerve irritation. This same process can happen with the shoulder, knee, hip, elbow, and feet. For more information see FAQ section (8).

Carpal Tunnel and Chiropractic

“One patient came to me expressing she had been diagnosed with carpal tunnel at a very young age as a result of an accident. She had 5 surgeries over the course of 40-year and a multitude of other various therapies, unfortunately none of them helped. I checked her cervical spine and her hand. Both were severely subluxated (joint misalignments). After adjusting both the hand and the cervical spine along with daily stretching the patient was able to resume a normal lifestyle and move her hand without pain only after 5 visits.”

Herniated disc and Inflammation

Ninety-eight percent of all disc herniations have a “PRE-EXISTING CONDITION” known as a subluxation (misaligned spinal joints), 2% are the result of an accident. In this case the person has two inflammatory responses, the chronic spinal joint misalignment (subluxation) and the acute disc herniation.

Mechanic of the Herniation

The substance in the center of the disc is called the nucleus pulpolsis. It is a thick semi-fluid type material. When this material herniates through the layers of the spinal disc it generally herniates posterior or backwards toward the spinal cord and or in the direction of one of the 31 pairs of spinal nerves exiting from the spinal cord. The inflammatory reaction is severe because the blood has never seen this material before and reacts as if it were a foreign substance (similar to a virus) and thus tries to destroy it. All of the symptoms noted in the above section Spinal Joints and Inflammation also occur with a herniated disc. In many cases the herniated disc will cause pain below the knee, whereas a vertebral joint subluxation “may” not. By restoring proper spinal joint alignment along with specific therapies many people can avoid disc surgeries. For more information concerning disc herniation’s see FAQ section (13, 14, 15, 16).

Vertebral Subluxation and Pain

Although medical doctors are the only health care practitioners in Italy technically authorized to care for a “SUBLUXATION” they have virtually little to no training in the art and science of how to find a subluxation and or any knowledge of how to properly care for such a debilitating pathology based on “NATURAL” methods. Who stands to benefit from keeping medical doctors in the dark about such a debilitating health problem? It is not the fault of the medical doctor; rather it is the fault of the educational process, which prevents medical doctors from learning the true nature of spinal and or other joint subluxations. The caring physician understands they are merely treating your pain when they perform injections. Symptom based care for vertebral joint inflammation over time typically results in a disc “HERNIATION” and further joint degeneration. This is also true for other joints of the body (inflammation). Injections in many cases do help to reduce your pain until you can address the cause of the problem. Questions you should ask the attending physician when they recommend injections for your low back and or neck pain.

The below scenario is “typically” based on a non- accidental case:

  • Why do I have pain in my lower back doctor? Answer: You have inflammation in your low back.
  • Why do I have inflammation in my low back region doctor? Answer: The L5/S1 spinal joints are subluxated (misaligned) and this results in inflammation.
  • Why is the L5/S1 vertebral joints misaligned or subluxated doctor? Answer: Because your musculature is not balanced, one side is tighter pulling the vertebrae joints out of their normal structural position.
  • Why is my musculature not balanced doctor? Answer: Your muscles are working 24 hours a day and since it is not possible to perform daily movements in a balanced way eventually one side of your body becomes tighter over time creating spinal and or other joint misalignments (subluxations).
  • How can I correct this “PROBLEM” doctor? Answer: You first need to have the vertebral joint subluxations checked by a trained Chiropractor and perform the Elkins Pulse Stretching Method on a daily bases.

The Vertebral Subluxation Complex and Energy

Everything is moving throughout nature, energy is a requirement for movement and for life. The vertebral subluxation (misaligned spinal joints) along with other joints of the body are designed to move. Life is movement, also on the atomic level and also in every cell of the body. Once this movement stops, life stops. The subluxation is a by-product of imbalanced forces (energy) directed over time. The muscles have been working more on one side than the other, which creates the subluxation. Typically the longer the muscle imbalance exists, the subluxation will require more time and energy to remove.

Using various adjusting techniques Chiropractic applies a specific amount of force (energy) using a high velocity controlled impulse (adjustment) at the right time and in the correct direction needed to assist the body in restoring the vertebral joints back to their correct position. The body is able to restore normal nerve flow between the brain and all tissue cells of the body, allowing the body to function better.